

Creators can choose to borrow their initial liquidity within the ranges specified below.

Free user:

  • 0.5 - 1 ETH

VIP user:

  • 0.5 - 5 ETH



The Fuel + Interest can be repaid in a few ways:

  • If a repayment threshold is met, Fuel On Blast will automatically remove enough liquidity to payback the amount owed. The tokens received from removing liquidity are then burned.

  • If the Token is a Tax Token, the taxes firstly go towards paying back the amount owed. Once repaid the taxes configured by the creator come into place.

  • The amount owed can be manually repaid on the token's page on fuelonblast.com

  • If the amount owed is not repaid within 7 days of the token being created (or from the scheduled deployment date), Fuel On Blast will automatically remove enough liquidity to retrieve the amount owed (if possible). This can be risky for projects if it reaches this point as it could result in most/all of the liquidity being removed.


A repayment threshold is a level (chosen by the creator) which represents how many multiples the LP tokens has to be worth before Fuel On Blast automatically reclaims the amount borrowed + interest.

For example if a project borrows 1 ETH and choses a 2x repayment threshold. Once the LP tokens are worth 2 ETH + X amount of tokens. Fuel On Blast will clawback 1.25 ETH (amount borrowed + interest). The X amount of tokens received will be burned.

After repayment

Once repaid, the LP tokens held by the Fuel On Blast smart contract will be locked for the lock-up period specified by the creator.

Last updated